Telling Tales: Storytelling as Emotional Literacy
Taffy Thomas and Steve Killick

'Telling Tales describes how telling stories is a powerful communication and learning tool for schools or for other organisations that work with children and young people. The theory of Emotional Literacy is described and used as a basis for thinking about how stories can be used to facilitate children's learning and well being in the school setting and how they can aid social and emotional development. As well as giving a basic theoretical approach, practical guidelines on how to tell stories in the classroom that captivate, amuse and move listeners are given. There is also a rich selection of stories that can be used across the age range that can enhance emotional understanding and expression and help develop relationship skills. Key Points:- * The educational value of telling stories and how stories enhance emotional literacy are fully described. * Practical skills are given for both telling stories and helping children create and tell their own stories. * A range of simple to tell traditional tales are given to help people gain confidence in telling stories to children from Foundation stage through to Secondary Schools. THIS RESOURCE SUPPORTS SEAL! Telling Tales is suitable for 5 to 12 year olds.'